Our Vision

To be recognized by our clients as a trusted, professional, hard-working provider of Quality, Safety, and Risk Management solutions that add value.

Our Values

Humility – we aim to act and lead in a manner that reflects or expresses a spirit of inclusion, respect for others and a willingness to subordinate one’s own interest for the common good. We are firm believer’s in promoting the success of others and accepting responsibility for our mistakes and failures and to learn from them. We are open to differing points of view and strive to manage conflict and encourage others to manage conflict in a constructive manner by remaining calm and helping each other in adverse circumstances.

Service Excellence – we strive to deliver the highest quality and value possible through simple, easy and relevant solutions to achieve the highest sustainable standards. We constantly aim for a high standard of excellence and continuous improvement by setting effective measures and holding ourselves accountable and committed for results. We have a bias for action and for getting things done!

Respect – we firmly believe that respect is not a given – we have to earn it. Without mutual respect, innovation and change can make even the most secure person feel defensive and unnecessarily attached to the current way of doing things. Our building blocks to earn respect are to:

  • Be Accepting: Support everyone’s worth and dignity, regardless of background, abilities or beliefs.
  • Be Considerate: Always be aware of and honour others’ rights and feelings.
  • Be Attentive: Be ready to learn from others.
  • Be Encouraging: Demonstrate concern for the growth and development of all others.
  • Be Appreciative: Value the guidance of supportive leaders.

Commitment – our first commitment to you is to LISTEN to your needs, helping to identify what are your most pressing concerns at the present time. We can then identify a successful outcome to achieve results through specific objectives and following through on each one to completion. This is a hallmark characteristic of HSRC.

Client Commitment

We make an unconditional commitment to provide exceptional levels of service.

We will clearly outline and define the services we will provide.

We will focus on tasks and actions that will benefit you.

We will work diligently to understand your business, be open, and share with you thought-provoking ideas.

We will strive to build a relationship with you that is based on good faith, respect and honesty.