

We live and breathe Quality

Whether you are a commercial airline, a maintenance repair organisation or a business jet operator, your ability to demonstrate compliance to aviation and industry standards is essential to continued certification to allow you to operate.

As industry and aviation regulators continually raise their standards, your organisation must incorporate the changes into your quality management system framework.

We advocate a systematic, process driven approach for managing Quality and place strong focus on developing a quality culture which drives compliance and increases customer satisfaction.

We can help you understand the relationship between industry ISO and AS quality standards and aviation regulatory requirements, as well as providing guidance to implement best practices.

We specialise in effective Auditing

Without a robust, effective audit program in place, an organisation is unable to verify compliance and identify non-compliance to understand the risks presented.

Developing a mature Quality Management System puts you a step ahead of your competitors and instills confidence.

Our auditing principles and techniques are built upon years of experience in verifying compliance, performing gap analysis and safety performance audits.

Our auditing services provide an independent and objective result of your existing Quality Management System processes and procedures.

Difficulties you may be experiencing

  • Identifying the root cause(s) of non-compliance
  • Ineffective Corrective Action/ Preventative Action (CAPA) to prevent recurrence
  • Understanding how to implement a risk-based alternative means of compliance
  • Failure to meet quality targets
  • Loss of stakeholder and/or regulator confidence
  • Lack of robust internal processes and procedures

How we can help

We focus on helping implement effective compliance monitoring and auditing so that:

  • Your organisation transits from just meeting minimum requirements to going beyond
  • Cost reductions are realised from your Quality Management System
  • The competency of your staff is ensured
  • Your regulatory authorities gain complete confidence in your organisation

Contact Us

Kevin Rookes

For more information on how we can help you Monitor Compliance call now on
+852 2117 1445 or email us here: hello@hsrc.com.hk